How Can You Become a Saint: Story of a Mad Man

How Can You Become a Saint: Story of a Mad Man


The concept of becoming a saint is rooted in religious tradition and spiritual beliefs. The pages of history are filled with the names of saints, whose lives have left a lasting impact on society. Their lives of great virtue and selflessness serve as inspirations for countless followers. So, how can you become a saint?

How Can You Become a Saint: Tips

Becoming a saint is a long spiritual journey. The journey to becoming a saint starts with virtues like kindness, selflessness, empathy, and good deeds. Saints dedicate their lives to serving others and leaving a lasting impact on society.

In the last few decades, the whole world has become materialistic. The idea of life itself has shifted from living a quiet life with fewer needs to leading a fast and hectic life. People are busy accumulating as much wealth as possible in their lifetime.

In this context, the story of Naranathan Branthan could be very inspiring.

Story of a Mad Man, who became a saint:

This story is from the most popular folktales of Kerala, India. There was a great saint named Naranath Branthan, and he was also fondly known as the “Mad Man of Kerala”.

The story begins in the court of Emperor Vikramaditya, where Vararuchi was one of the nine well-known scholars of the emperor. He was well-versed in The Vedas and Ramayana as well as the Mahabharata and Bhagavad Geeta. Naranath was the 12th son of Vararuchi.

Being the son of a well-known scholar, Naranath Branthan has never taken life seriously and lived a selfless, egoless life.

The Daily Routine of Naranath:

He starts his day by carrying a big rock up a hill. After a long day of hard work, he would bring it to the top and throw it down. Upon seeing the rock fall, he cheerfully clapped and danced.

Naranath Bhranthan

This was his daily routine, and due to this, people often labeled him as a madman.

To satisfy his hunger, he used to go to people’s houses begging for uncooked grains, and whatever he received, he would take in search of fire.

Wherever he found fire, he would cook his meal and eat before sleeping.

The next morning, he would start the same routine of carrying the rock up the hill and rolling it down.

Philosophical interpretations:

It was Naranath’s way of laughing at the people who work hard every day for the sake of today, thinking that tomorrow will be better. But tomorrow may never come.

Encounter with Goddess Kali:

One day, Naranath went to the village to ask for some alms to eat. He got some raw grains and then started looking for a fire to cook the food. He searched the entire village but couldn’t find any fire.

After a while, he noticed a fire at a cremation ground, where a dead body was burning. Naranath cooked his meal over that fire and went to sleep.

In the night, Goddess Bhadrakali and her companions arrived at the cremation ground to perform the Chuttalannritha ritual. Which is a dance performed by the Goddess and her companions at midnight.

Goddess Kali kindly requested him to leave the place, as this was a very sacred ritual and not meant for humans to watch. Naranath Branthan replied, “You go somewhere else; I’ll sleep here tonight.”

Then, Goddess Kali’s companions started scaring him by making various horrible shapes and faces. Naranath Branthan watched that scene with a smile and asked politely.

“I hope you finished your show. Then please leave me alone. I want to sleep.”

Hearing these words, they all blushed as they were not able to scare a human being.

Then Goddess Kali came forward and offered to grant him a boon in exchange for leaving. But Naranath refused and said he didn’t have any desire.

When Goddess persisted, Naranath asked her “How long will he live”.

The Goddess says the date and time of his death.

Naranath asked her to extend his life by one day.

She tells him that it is not possible.

Then he asks her to reduce his age by one day.

The Goddess tells him that this is also not possible.

The Climax of the scene:

Then Naranath tells her that he knew very well that she could not do anything as far as life was concerned.

Finally, Naranath said, “Then transfer the constant pain and suffering from my left foot to my right foot.”

The confused goddess asked, “Why are you asking for such a thing?

Naranath replied, “I never asked you to do anything. Because I don’t have any need or desire.”

Another Inspiring Story of Madman:

One day Naranath was sitting on a roadside, counting ants that were going in line.

Naranath Branthan

One person came up to him and asked How many ants have passed till now?

He replied that 500 had already gone and 500 more were about to go.

Everything will be clear if that 500 also goes.

The man who asked the question was a rich person, who had almost 1000 acres of land.

But he was suffering from a mysterious pain in his stomach.

He sold almost 500 acres of land for his treatment and other religious rituals to recover from the ace. but all went in vain. Now he had 500 acres left and understood what Branthan was trying to say.

He sold the remaining 500 acres of land and distributed the money among many poor people. Once that money was exhausted, he got relief from the pain.

Conclusion: How to Navigate the Saintly Path

In a world filled with ego, aggression, and conflict, the path to becoming a Saint stands out as a shining example of hope. The story of Naranath Branthan teaches us that shedding our ego is the first step toward becoming a saint.

Regardless of past behaviors, anybody can embark on a journey of self-improvement and contribute positively to society. Becoming a saint is not about grand gestures but the everyday choices that shape our character.

So, how can you become a saint?

It begins with a few simple things: Acts of kindness, Acts of empathy, and Acts of selflessness—a sincere desire to make the world a better place.

FAQs on How Can You Become a Saint?

Can anyone become a saint?

Absolutely! The path to sainthood is open to anyone dedicated to a life of virtue, selflessness, and compassion. It’s about the choices you make every day.

Do I have to follow a specific religion to become a saint?

No, the journey to becoming a saint transcends religious boundaries. It’s more about universal values like kindness, empathy, and service to others.

How long does it take to become a saint?

Becoming a saint is a lifelong journey. It’s not about a specific timeline but a continuous commitment to virtuous living and serving others.

Can a person with flaws become a saint?

Absolutely! Saints aren’t perfect people; despite this, they try to contribute positively to the world.

Is there a specific ritual to become a saint?

While some religions have formal processes for canonization, the essence of becoming a saint lies in one’s actions—living a life of goodness, kindness, selflessness, and empathy.

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